Digital Literacy of College Students of Buddhist Religious

The study aims to describe the level of understanding of digital literacy of college students’ Religious Buddha (PTKB) as well as how it forms digital literacy of the students in PTKB Indonesian. This research is descriptive research with quantitative approach. PTKB students who are active on the semester goes into the subject in research totalled 357 people. Determination of samples conducted through random sampling technique with the sampling area. The object of research is the understanding of digital literacy students. Understanding digital literacy of the students is a variable in the study, which measured through dimensional digital literacy competencies the internet searching, hypertextual navigation, content evaluation, and knowledge assembly.

Data collection is done by a non test technique using a questionnaire with Likert scale classification four. Testing instruments is done with test validity and reliability. Technique of data analysis with descriptive statistical techniques using the mean values (mean) and standard deviation to determine this level of understanding digital literacy into high, medium, and low. The percentage level of understanding digital literacy gained by dividing the total value of the respondent’s answer to the total value of the maximum answer research instrument, then do the percentages by multiply with 100.

Literasi Digital

Digital Literacy, image by:

Results of the study concluded the level of understanding of digital literacy of PTKB students 67.86% with each students understanding of category 14% high, 75% medium and low categories of 15%. Level of understanding digital literacy student PTKB seen through the dimensions of internet searching of 75.85%, hypertextual navigation of 62,40%, content evaluation of 65.86%, and level of understanding of digital literacy of students seen from PTKB dimensions of knowledge assembly of 67.95%.

Keywords: Digital Literacy, Digital Literacy Competencies, the Buddhist Religious College

Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Buddha
Jurnal Sati Sampajanna, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Negeri Sriwijaya Tangerang Banten
Request Papers: // Heriyanto, M.Kom.